Humanitarian Expo 2024

Unity in our community is not just a lofty ideal, but a tangible necessity in our fight against crime. We cannot simply address crime’s symptoms; we must delve deeper, tackling its roots head-on. It’s no secret that crime festers in environments starved of resources and plagued by hopelessness. When individuals are deprived of opportunities and support, desperation can breed actions detrimental to our society’s well-being.

That’s why I am proud to announce the forthcoming Humanitarian Expo—a beacon of hope designed to address this critical issue. This expo will serve as a platform to connect our community with vital social services and resources, empowering individuals to overcome challenges and rebuild their lives.

I am especially grateful for the collaboration of Commissioner Grant in this endeavor. Together, we are committed to addressing the fundamental human development needs that underpin our community’s well-being.

Let us harness the power of unity and collaboration to create a safer, more prosperous future for all. By investing in our community’s human potential, we not only combat crime but also cultivate a culture of resilience and opportunity.

Thank you for your unwavering dedication to the betterment of our community.

Yours Truly,

Samantha L. Sookraj, CEO

✨ Gratitude Beyond Measure ✨
A profound thank you to Commissioner Denise D. Grant for the honor of receiving the UNITY IN THE COMMUNITY Certificate of Appreciation. Your recognition of my contributions to the health and safety of Lauderhill fills me with immense pride and gratitude. Your leadership and dedication to building a better community for all serve as an inspiration to us all. Together, we will continue to strive for unity and positive change.
With deepest appreciation,
Samantha L. Sookraj, CEO & Founder of SFCC.

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